Map of Jepara

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There is map of Jepara. Jepara is furniture city, especially solid wood furniture. So what is map of detail center production in Jepara? Jepara, we can find thousand kind of furniture, include indoor and outdoor. Center productions of furniture can be clustered by village. There are example of cluster of production center.

Here map of Jepara production Center clustered by village.
Tahunan street is trade center of indoor and outdoor furniture.

Production Center
Senenan village  =bed, sofa, Apolo
Tahunan = king chair.
Bate utara and Bantrung = Sofa

Karang Gondang and Kaliaman = folding chair
Sinanggul = Marlboro Chair
Sekuro and Srobyong = Extended Table
Mlonggo = Lounger
Krapyak, Mantingan, tegal Sambi, nganti = Hongkong chair and table set
Kalongan and Bate = Jondang.

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